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Parish Episcopal School
Parish Episcopal School
Parish Episcopal School

create Meaningfully 


Redefine the high-quality college preparatory experience.

Among the reasons to choose a private school experience for your child, no doubt academics is one of the most important. At Parish Episcopal School, we have developed strong college preparatory curricula and innovative programs that equip our students for success in academic life, and in every other aspect of life as well. Beginning in the earliest grades, we work to instill the characteristics that will serve a child well throughout the school years and beyond.

This involves more than a singular, consuming focus on test scores and letter grades. While quantitative measures are always important, our academic approach at Parish produces globally competitive students by creating a vigorous, dynamic educational environment that is inviting, engaging and rewarding. By encouraging curiosity, exploration and problem solving, we create learners for life. To that end, we develop our student’s mindsets and preparation as defined by our IMPACT model as well as our ParishProfile, progress and accomplishments in a digital portfolio, showcasing their journeys as they grow into young people of impact.

Compare our approach to the typical private school where learning is burdensome and pressure-filled. Look at the success of our students in all of their pursuits, including but not limited to their college acceptances.

Where will your children best thrive and flourish?


and ParishProfile

The IMPACT Mindsets and ParishProfile articulate Parish's belief that in today’s world, information is no longer a commodity. It is not how much a student knows that matters, but what a student can do with that information. 

At Parish, we believe the complex and interconnected world of today requires a more nuanced definition of preparation and we are leading the charge in shifting the conversation from “college prep” to “life ready.”

Parish Leads

and Leadership Institute

At Parish, we believe each of our students, from PreK - 12th grade, is positioned to lead and learn to be a young person of impact.  

In concert with the ParishLeads program, our faculty and staff pursue this quest with the same zeal and enthusiasm as they teach their classes. It is central to our purpose and a source of genuine passion in our community. We build young people not only of intellect, but of heart and spirit as well.


With more than 10K square feet of dedicated space for STEM, robotics and design-thinking, all students get a rich array of interactive labs, projects, enrichment classes and co-curricular opportunities.

Student Support Services

In the modern world of education, how you teach a child can be as important as what you teach a child. The Support Staff at Parish is dedicated to assisting the teachers as they provide an enriched and vigorous curriculum in a warm and nurturing environment. Parish values the uniqueness of each of our students, and we realize the important and influential impact we have in their day-to-day lives. Through a team approach, we provide the optimal resources for students to develop academically, emotionally and socially.


Life after Parish starts with individualized college and life planning sessions while still on campus. Beginning as freshmen, students become familiar with the Center for College and Life Planning, and expand their relationship with our counselors over the course of their four-year high school careers.



Our vision is that Parish students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to select and manage digital tools that will empower them in all phases of the learning process, including research, project-based learning, content creation, communication and collaboration. Our use of cloud-based apps for education gives students access to a comprehensive suite of tools for productivity and collaboration anywhere, anytime in order to extend learning beyond the classroom.

Parish provides rigor and focus for our children to learn the important academics and to become strong global citizens, but the school also provides exceptional opportunities for them to find passion in areas they didn't even know existed. To me, that is the true definition of educating the whole child.Michelle Norman, Board of Trustee

Parish Episcopal School