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Parish Episcopal School
Parish Episcopal School
Parish Episcopal School



ParishSTEM has been recognized as a model for the purposeful integration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) components across a full PreK-12 program. Few schools nationally offer as rich an array of integrated STEM activities (interactive labs, activities, projects, design spaces and enrichment classes as experienced by all Parish students). 

Co-curricular STEM experiences are available via Parish Extend, our after school program, and Parish Summer; offerings frequently include but are not limited to robotics, coding, Minecraft, web and app design.  

I can’t imagine attending Parish without being a part of the STEM program.  The skills I have acquired can’t be attained in a traditional classroom.  This program is special.  It allowed me to lead, learn to fail and try again, be the truest version of myself and gain incredible confidence.whitney wheeler '17

Program Details

Few schools nationally offer as rich an array of integrated STEM activities , co-curricular experiences in robotics, and after-school programming.

Innovative Spaces

Beasley STEM Center

The Beasley STEM Center at the Hillcrest Campus and the Design Den at the Midway Campus are places where Parish students to not only ask bold questions about their world but offer students the opportunity to dream big, learn from failure and value persistence. 


STEM Booster Club

sySTEMs members promote awareness of the programs, achievements and activities while offering assistance and funding.

Parish Episcopal School

ParishSTEM’s unique formula of relevant hands-on learning in unrivaled state of the art learning spaces provides Parish graduates with the skills needed by the next generation of innovative doctors, scientists, programmers, engineers and entrepreneurs.

Parish STEM in Action

Plasma Cutter
Fleeger Family Kitchen

Pre-K through second grade students have a dedicated space, the Beasley STEM Center, to complement classroom instruction. The center houses seven open spaces: IQ Lab (Inquiry and Questioning), Exploratorium, Digital Den (Technology), Learning Lounge, Innovation Station, the Fleeger Family Kitchen, and the Nauslar Garden. The STEM Center features state-of-the-art technology and manipulatives including SmartBoards, iPads, a green screen, digital microscopes, LEGO® robotics, building materials, math activities, and critical thinking games – all designed for the budding engineer, scientist, architect, and inventor.

Rube Goldberg Project for 9th Grade Physics
Parish Rover
Stomp Rockets at Dads' Visiting Day
Chemistry Lab
Nauslar Garden
Design Den
First Lego League Regional Championship at Parish
Design Den